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Medieval Studies; Religious Studies; Philosophy
There is no truly complete edition of Albert the Great (ca. 1200-1280) works, and the age and the rarity of the most complete one (Opera omnia, ed. A. Borgnet, Paris, 1890-1899, itself based on Opera omnia, ed. P. Jammy, Lyon, 1651) render it hard to access for many scholars. The new critical edition (sometimes called Editio Coloniensis), begun in 1951 led by the Albertus-Magnus-Institut of Bonn, offers a much more reliable text but will not be completed before many more decades. Scholars can use the present website in order to : 1) download image files (.pdf) of all of Albert's works which can be found in the Borgnet edition as well as the 21 volumes of the Jammy edition, in addition to a few other writings which have been edited individually and which, like the Borgnet and the Jammy editions, are too old to be covered by copyright law; 2) search electronically 24 of those works, using a search engine which is endowed with boolean operators and which gives access to more than 4.1 million words (corresponding to more than 10000 pages in print); 3) browse those same 24 works on line.
Works. 2009
Albertus, Magnus, Saint, 1193?-1280 author.
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Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
ACS Directory of Graduate Research (DGR) is the most comprehensive source of information on chemical research and researchers at universities in the U.S. and Canada. Now available free of charge. DGRweb 2005 also includes access to the complete 2003, 2001, and 1999 databases. Search for faculty includes specific research area, academic rank, gender, and state, and the search results produce complete contact information for faculty including direct links to faculty email addresses and web pages, when provided. Institutional searches provide all departmental contact information along with statistical data (when provided) on the number of faculty and students in the department and a complete list of faculty active in graduate research.
Corporate Author:
American Chemical Society. Committee on Professional Training.
At the Library:
SAL3 » Stacks » Z5521 .A52 ... must be paged/requested
SAL3 » In process » Z5521 .A52 1965 must be paged/requested
Swain » Reference (Non-circulating) » Z5521 .A52 ... in-library use only
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"PsycTESTS is a research database that provides access to psychological tests, measures, scales and other assessments as well as descriptive and administrative information."--Home p.
Corporate Author:
American Psychological Association.
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British and Commonwealth Literary Studies
In this final volume of the Virginia edition of Arnold's letters, Arnold joins for the last time a Royal Commission on Education, travelling first to Germany, and then on to Switzerland and Paris. Following his wife and younger daughter, Arnold also makes his second American visit, this time to see "the Midget", his first grandchild. Both missions reveal his well-known and characteristic zest for people and places - new acquaintances, new scenery, the total experience of living - observing, absorbing, recording and moving on. Finally, with maximum nostalgia and minimum regret, he resigned the inspectorship of schools in which he had spent nearly all of his adult existence and settles down, in sweet, bucolic content, to the life of a country squire. Then, tragically, abruptly and predictably, it screeches to a halt. Manifestly, he had lived daily with intimations of mortality. The series-cumulative index included with this volume is a valuable resource for tracking Arnold's records of his active life.
Arnold, Matthew, 1822-1888.
At the Library:
Green » Stacks » PR4023 .A44 1996 ...
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"This database is the result of a three-year project (2004-07), funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council and hosted by Cardiff University and the Royal College of Music. It provides descriptions of concert programme collections held by leading libraries, archives and museums in the UK and Ireland, thereby improving access to a vital source of information about musical life from the eighteenth century to the present day. The database is intended as a guide to finding programme collections, rather than providing full details of the content of individual programmes. The institutional coverage is extensive and includes the British Library, the Royal College of Music and the Royal Academy of Music in London, the Bodleian Library, Oxford and the national libraries of Scotland and Ireland, as well as repositories in Aldeburgh, Birmingham, Bradford, Cardiff, Cheltenham, Edinburgh, Leeds and Manchester. A full list of the locations covered by the project can be found by browsing the database by 'Institution'. Each collection of programmes covered by the project has been described and indexed with reference to geographical coverage and concert venues, time periods, subjects, and names of performers, concert venues, ensembles, promoters, and collectors. Users may browse each of these fields by following the links to 'Time', 'People' (both personal and corporate names), 'Place' (concert venues) or 'Subject', or search the entire database using the search box or the advanced search options provided. For a guide to using the database, please follow the link below to the Help page. The Concert Programmes database has been built using the Museums, Libraries and Archives Council's Collection Description Service."
Corporate Author:
Arts & Humanities Research Council (Great Britain)
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The AES Electronic library contains most of the Journal technical articles, convention preprints, and conference papers published by the AES (Audio Engineering Society) since its inception through the year 2001. Over 10,000 papers and articles are stored in PDF format. The navigational features of this Electronic Library are displayed in HTML format, and permit full-text and field searching.
Corporate Author:
Audio Engineering Society.
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British and Commonwealth Literary Studies
TEI-conformant editions of Jane Austen's works, searchable individually or as a group.
Austen, Jane, 1775-1817.
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bibpurl.oclc.org + 2 more sources
Language; General and Reference Works
Presents selected articles, books, electronic documents, and other sources on scholarly electronic publishing efforts on the Internet and other networks. Links are provided to sources available via the Internet.
Bailey, Charles W. (Charles Wesley), 1950-
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American Literary Studies; General and Reference Works
This ninth and final volume of an analytical bibliography of pre-20th-century American literature, contains information on the works of 14 authors, including prominent figures such as Walt Whitman and less well-known literary figures, as well as bibliographical studies of five US women writers.
Blanck, Jacob, 1906-1974.
At the Library:
Special Collections » Reference (Non-circulating) » Z1225 .B5 must be paged/requested for in-library use only
Green » InfoCenter (Non-circulating) » Z1225 .B55 ... in-library use only
Search database:
British and Commonwealth History; British and Commonwealth Literary Studies
Corporate Author:
Bodleian Library.
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A digital collection of early Brahms editions.
Works. 2000
Brahms, Johannes, 1833-1897.
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General and Reference Works
Enables the user to search various British Library catalogs of over 12 million items including general printed books pre-1975, humanities and social sciences post-1975, humanities and social sciences open-access reference books, science, technology and business, document supply books, document supply serials, document supply conferences, Asia, Pacific and Africa Collections, cartographic, newspapers, printed music, register of preservation surrogates. Contains links to catalogs not included on this site.
Corporate Author:
British Library.
Search database:
Islam and the Middle East; Religious Studies
Brockelmann Online will consist of both original volumes Geschichte der arabischen Litteratur (GAL) by Carl Brockelmann (1868-1956), as well as the three supplement volumes, including the indexes. It is full-text searchable.
Brockelmann, Carl, 1868-1956.
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British and Commonwealth Literary Studies
SGML-encoded digital versions of the novels by the Brontë? sisters, plus selected Elizabeth Gaskell works, including the Life of Charlotte Brontë.
Brontë, Charlotte, 1816-1855.
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British and Commonwealth Literary Studies
Complete facsimile images of 190 manuscripts of 17th and 18th century verse held in the celebrated Brotherton Collection at the University of Leeds. These manuscripts can be read and explored in conjunction with the BCMSV database, which includes first lines, last lines, attribution, author, title, date, length, verse form, content and bibliographic references for over 6,600 poems within the collection. Additional features include interactive essays, biographies, a palaeography section with transcriptions and alphabets, and a large selection of colour images demonstrating over 320 examples of 17th and 18th century English handwriting.
Corporate Author:
Brotherton Library.
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Medicine; Toxicology and Chemical Safety
An occupational health database designed for health and safety professionals and for consumers seeking information about the health effects of exposure to chemicals and biologicals at work. Haz-Map links jobs and hazardous tasks with occupational diseases and their symptoms. Chemicals and biological agents in Haz-Map are linked to industrial processes and other activities such as hobbies. Occupational diseases and their symptoms are associated with hazardous job tasks and possible exposure to hazardous agents. Information from textbooks, journal articles, and electronic databases such as NLM's Hazardous Substances Data Bank (HSDB®) is classified and summarized to create the database. Some of Haz-Map's features include: text search capability, browsing by jobs, diseases, or agents, searching hazardous agents by adverse effects, searching diseases by jobs and findings, and automated searches of TOXNET. Definitions of technical terms are available by selecting hyperlinks to the glossary.
Brown, Jay A., M.D.
Search database:
American Literary Studies; Race and Ethnicity
The first African American novel, Clotel was published when its author was still legally a slave. This digital edition presents, for the first time together, the full extant texts of the novel's four versions, published between 1853 and 1867. Imaged and coded, the fully searchable texts may be read individually or in parallel and are accompanied by generous biographical, critical, and historical commentary as well as line-by-line annotations and textual collation.
Brown, William Wells, 1814?-1884.
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African Studies
Contains two extensive bibliographies, one of African women's literature, and the other of periodical literature pertaining to Africa. Includes search engine.
Bullwinkle, Davis.
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African Studies; Feminist Studies; General and Reference Works
"This English language database contains over 22,000 citations from 1986 to current ... This database is the outgrowth of a three volume work published in 1989 by Greenwood Press that indexed materials on African Women published during the International Women's Decade, 1975-1985."--About this database page.
Bullwinkle, Davis.
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General and Reference Works; African Studies
Index to over 280 English language and multi-lingual journals that specialize in African studies. Includes clickable map.
Bullwinkle, Davis.

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